Apache Iceberg™ Rust Downloads

The official Apache Iceberg-Rust releases are provided as source artifacts.


The latest source release is 0.4.0 (asc, sha512).

For older releases, please check the archive.


  • When downloading a release, please verify the OpenPGP compatible signature (or failing that, check the SHA-512); these should be fetched from the main Apache site.
  • The KEYS file contains the public keys used for signing release. It is recommended that (when possible) a web of trust is used to confirm the identity of these keys.
  • Please download the KEYS as well as the .asc signature files.

To verify the signature of the release artifact

You will need to download both the release artifact and the .asc signature file for that artifact. Then verify the signature by:

  • Download the KEYS file and the .asc signature files for the relevant release artifacts.

  • Import the KEYS file to your GPG keyring:

    gpg --import KEYS
  • Verify the signature of the release artifact using the following command:

    gpg --verify <artifact>.asc <artifact>

To verify the checksum of the release artifact

You will need to download both the release artifact and the .sha512 checksum file for that artifact. Then verify the checksum by:

shasum -a 512 -c <artifact>.sha512